Terms & Conditions

V6: Updated February 2022

(1) Wellington Film Lab (WFL) take the utmost care with all film processing but due to the manual nature of development, involvement of chemicals and potential to light exposure we cannot guarantee your results.

(2) Cine film processing involves the manual removal of a remjet layer from the film. Removal of this layer will vary depending on film stock and condition and so it is common to have minor remnants and marks remaining across frames after processing, especially with old/expired cine film.

(3) Once your film/order has been processed you will receive an invoice via Stripe for payment. Payment can be made by card (3% surcharge) or direct debit to our bank account. Orders will not be released until payment is received.

(4) Our turnaround time for processing will vary depending on backlog. Please refer to the 'Order Turnaround' section at the top of our order form for an updated ETA as this section is updated frequently.

(5) Once scanned your images will be sent to you via a pCloud link for download. If you do not download these within 28 days your images may be removed and unrecoverable.

(6) Negatives can be returned via post or otherwise stored up to six months at a time to consolidate multiple orders. After six months you must pay to return negatives or they will otherwise be disposed of.

(7) Negatives are otherwise held for 21 days from processing and WFL reserves the right to dispose of uncollected negatives after this period.

By submitting an order form and/or making payment to WFL you acknowledge you have read and agree to the above terms and conditions.